Visualizing My Journey with Amal Academy
Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show
I started my journey with Amal Academy almost two and half months ago and really I’m grateful that I got selected. It had been a little yet great journey. Today I’m going to reflecting my first few weeks at Amal Academy.
My first session was on 18th March 2021. I feel excited and nervous simultaneously. I want to be eager to start my new journey within the training process. The first fortnight was basically about the introduction, knowing fellows, and importantly knowing yourself, knowing the purpose of your life, personal and professional goals, and finding whys behind them.
Fixing Stuff around you, my first blog.
For my second project work, I had to perform a small activity of fixing the things around me and write a blog on my experience. That was an amazing experience.
Notes-Taking habit
I developed a habit of taking notes during my online courses after knowing the importance and benefits of taking notes. Before every in-person session, I take some time to revise them and summarize the online course in few points.
Interaction with Learning Group
I take time while getting along with people, so the first week was difficult for me to interact with my learning group fellows but with the passage of time, we got to know about each other. We helped each other with tasks so it was a great experience for us. It was a great experience of working in a team and learn how to perform teamwork. Before that, I preferred working alone, but then I realize an individual can’t do everything, sometimes he need help. I’m really grateful to my fellows for helping me throughout my Amal journey.
Writing Blogs
Before joining Amal Academy I had never written a single blog and I didn’t even know how to write a blog. So I read some blogs of my fellows and saw some tutorials on content writing, and I was able to write my first blog. In the first few weeks blog writing is one of the toughest tasks for me, but now honestly speaking, it is still the toughest task to do. :/
Video Award task
How can I forget to mention that experience? In our second project work, we have to make a video on MVTP and that was the most frustrating part for me in the entire fellowship. I took more than 20 retakes and finally I manage to make an uploadable video by 3 AM. After that, I always try to avoid making videos.
Lastly, I really want to thank Amal Academy for providing me this great opportunity. This journey has been really beautiful and fruitful. I’m going to miss everything about it.